About Us

If life can be described as an ocean we must cross without sinking (into despair), then we must find a vessel that is worthy enough to withstand the storms we will experience along the way. As crossing an ocean without a well-equipped, sturdy boat would be foolish, so crossing through life without a well-constructed B.O.A.T. would be foolish. That is, a well thought out and verifiable set of Beliefs, Opinions, Attitudes and Theology. Our very nature requires us to have an explanation of life, so we adopt beliefs by which we attempt to craft such an explanation. Our adopted beliefs then become our philosophy of life or the frame of reference by which we try to make sense of that which we encounter or expect to encounter throughout life. Everyone develops a B.O.A.T., but most do so without determining whether the “materials” utilized will actually withstand the tests of life. The greater the variance is between our philosophies of life and reality, the greater our inner tension.

Man was created to reason and deliberate before making decisions.  This ability appears to be lost in the twenty first century.  We at Embassy House echo the prophet’s words, “Come let us reason together . . .” We seek to encourage others to learn to use reason and evidence to determine the truth in every area.  We believe we can help individuals enhance their ability to recognize and follow the truth.  We do not subscribe to the “leap of faith” beliefs so prevalent today.  Truth is reasonable and can be substantiated by sufficient evidence to be considered proof.  Faith should be based on facts, not feelings.

We believe that there is substantial, verifiable evidence that we have a personal Creator who has communicated to us through His word.  It is our purpose and duty to teach intellectually honest individuals how to enter a true, life changing relationship with their Creator.  In a life full of storms only verifiable beliefs will guide the believer through the storms with joy, peace and contentment. Beliefs without a solid foundation will collapse amid the storms, leaving one’s life in shambles.

Come visit us or send us your inquiries. We look forward to being an assistance in your search for verifiable truth.

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